a symphony to melodious reawakenings.


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the milkyway
The milky way

So much had occurred in the recent weeks. So much so that the difference it has made is displayed vastly in its own ways. I guess 'change' was bound to happen and it did in its own time. Aside the substantial change with the politiks in the country, many other changes followed suit; and most for the better.

Good friday was an enlightening day. It brought me this time to view the splendors of the universe, the galaxy, our milky way, and to this earth we call home. And as I stood there and saw the enormity of the universe, i came to the realization that I, compared to the whole wide universe, am actually really really really small. And my world, not very much bigger compared to the bigness of it all. But, ah yes a 'but' follows. But, I am significant. And my world, as significant as I.

As insignificant in size I and my world is, to Him I am significant, so much so that He came down to my world, and chose to know me.

I'm standing at a juncture of crossroads in life. Not really knowing which to take, not really knowing anything. I do wished sometimes that everything could stop, or just paused for a moment. The earth will however not stop, but continue its journey in orbiting the sun and as the clock continues its tick and tock, I will just continue to run my race. And while at it, I'll just enjoy the wonderful tales of Disney. Yeah, Philip is a sucker for Disney's tales. Boohoo.

As you secretly poke fun at Philip and his fetish for Disney's cartoons; let me invite you to enjoy this tune from 'enchanted'. Common, be honest..stop stroking your ego, and admit your love for disney's cartoons too.

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