a symphony to melodious reawakenings.

here i am.

it just felt surreal, when i first was introduce to that idea
i never thought i would be
but i guessed He had a greater plan for me.

so, now i'm here again,
knocking at your door and hoping,
hoping that your door will open,
for your grace is sufficient.

i thank you for the idea
i thank you for the thought

and now i stand infront of their doors,
and knock.

here i am,
i am here now.

God, you take lead,
as you have called.
smsu will be my mission field for 60 days.

this world would have me believe
it knows what i need to see
but there's no hope to be found
in a world where i see only darkness all around me

your word will shine a light on my path
to guide my way through this world
your word will be a lamp to my feet
to guide my way through this world

this flame that lights up my way
is strong enough to remain
where all around me is lost
i will trust in the truth that is sure and never changes

-seven twentytwo.

wakemeupgrace to understand the things i can see, but i cannot understand. show me the other side of grace.


a full . stop
i rather lose, then have a fight to win..i'm sorry.

forgive my childishness

A man once said "..its all about Winning! ". Or is it?

It seems that I got it all wrong. The utmost importance
placed on winning has got
me all confused. No, no, winning does not justify a person!

Winning isn't simply indicating the first at the finish line.
Its more that just what meets the eye.

Winners are not justified by his winnings but
rather the means of which the win is achieved. It is how
that it is done that mattered most. I was wrong.

The man was wrong, it is not " all about winning "!

I ask that you forgive my childishness.

wakemeupgrace to understand the true meaning of winning the race.

it all starts with a thought

After procrastinating for quite awhile, i've finally sat down and took
some time out to work on this blog. This design was not exactly what i
planned for, but guess it works just fine.

After months of playin the same song over and over again,
a change was very much needed. So, do enjoy Ryan Adam's rendition to
the Wonderwall.

Had been busy with Teenacity for the last couple of week. There's still
alittle more to work on before the next big event in July. Am relieve that
all exams are now over, and I've more time to concentrate on this.

Since the absence of studies from this mind, there was much room to
think of various things. It often come to a stand still, when my mind
begins to play like a broken record, constantly reminding me on things i wished
i could forget.

It seems, the most painful bruise is sometimes caused by one's own thoughts. Our minds
being capable of tormenting our lives, may eventually come to a point where it haunts
us to even begin thinking.

Mind's greatest soloution? To lie to ourselves, that we may hid under the veil that separates
reality from imaginary. Yes, we do lie to ourselves for comfort.

And all because, it all started with a thought; a fiction made reality.

hours away

inrespect to the post made last year ::
3 hours away.
the clock hits 9am, the race begins.
only to see the finish line as the clock strikes noon.
and after everything will be done.
an anticipation for redemption


I was asked, why wakemeupgrace? An essentric tagline? Nope, if you really understood the meaning you'll understand why.

the dreadful day

Somehow after 4 years of higher education, you'll expect to be
at least alittle more familiar with exams. Nope, sadly i'm still
stuck at this cross-juncture, trying not to be hit by that
fast-motioned vehicle. Dreadful as it maybe,
I have to survive this test.

To honestly say that I will lean on my own understanding,
would be the greatest lie ever in this century.
Every single time, when it came to this juncture,
I cross my finger, hoping for alittle luck, only to realise
that I didn't need luck.

All I needed was to know that my finger pointed to a right
direction. Be it not to my own self, but let it point to the
one greater than this cross-junction. I raise my hand,
and lift my finger pointing above, saying;
Its yours for the taking, I lean on you.

O, help me Lord through this circumstances. I decrease, as You increase.







