a symphony to melodious reawakenings.

do you live for a cause?

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Do I live for something?
Do I have a purpose?
Do I just live to love the temporary?
Or is there a Cause to live for?

Do we live for ourselves?
Are we that shallow?
Do we help because we needed help?
Do we give because we want to be given?
Is that compassion?

Are we superficial?
Living life of recognition?
Do we want to make a name for ourselves?
Is that a significant cause to live for?
Isn't that superficial?

I write, because I write,
I write hoping,
Hoping to bless,
Hoping to encourage,
Hoping to give hope,
To those that could find new meaning
A meaning to live for a cause.

But how?
One person?
Making the difference?

Its said it takes one
One person to make the difference
Oskar Schindler was one
Martin Luther King was one
But, the most important,
Jesus was one.

Jesus Christ was the one,
One man,
Taking up his cause,
Send for a mission
A cause to live to die
For our reconciliation with God
He accomplished the mission.

Have we a mission?
A reason to live for?
A cause worth dying?

Would we go on living our insignificant life?
Would we go on with the least mattered things?
Or would you take up your cause?
Would you live for the cross?

Would you give and bless?
Making the difference?
With no hopes of returns?
With hopes of being different?
With hopes of living up to the cross?

Would you live for a cause?
A greater cause
A cause worth everything
A cause worth laying down the pleasures?
A cause with a cost?
A cause for God.

Seasons may change,
Tides may rise,
But would you be there
At the end standing firm
For a cause
A cause that lives are changed
A cause that may flood the gates of heaven
A cause that defeats the prince of the world.

Do you have a purpose?
Do you have a Cause?
Would you have a purpose?
Would you have a Cause?

xphilx - its time to take up the cause for the cross...Thanx weun for the encouraging song. Appreciate it!

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