one tall decaf latte to go !!
Published Wednesday, June 16, 2004 by p-h-i-l | E-mail this post

its been 3 days since i started work...and i must say that "its darn fun !!"...unless im asked to wipe the windows..or mop the floor..or clean the dishes..or cleaning other people's mess.....other than that, its all good ..haha...
learn all the techniques to brew coffee and how to make cold beverages...if u ever worked at starbucks, you'll know that it is as easy as ABC to make a blended frappucino..(yeah..thats how its spelled!!)....its very much a joke the amount of money you would spend to get a cup of frappucino...anyway, ive tasted a couple of the drinks...and the current one that is on promotion- ice shaken tea,lemon passion is gooood!
theres this funny incident that happened today at work..i was making this ice shaken tea for a customer...he came in complaining that the last time he had one of those drinks, it tasted like some cough syrup....then he ordered the promotional drink....and somehow, whilst i was making, i forgot to put in one of the main ingredients...the sweet was after i offered him the drink that i realize what was missing....and the look on his!!...he must have thought that it tasted that way...somehow, he manage to finish the whole grande cup of ice shaken tea without the sweet!!..i keep the whole incident to myself!!...definately dont want to get boot after 3 days of work...haha....
so, was watching the england v france match a couple of days back...was happy that the english lost....their playin were crap!..their goal by lampard was crap!!...the english did not attack well...throughout the whole game, the french played a better would be a pity if they had loss the match...zidane made a fantastic comeback...haha...and serve the english right!...the blunder made by gerrard was bad...but, he is still one of the best on the field...go LIVERPOOL players!!
so, we will see if everthing goes well for england..i have this feeling that they might be send packing...even for portugal!...if the greeks would win another match and draw the 3th match...its almost certain they are portugal better pray hard!!
anyway...this soccer and coffee mania is driving me nuts...better stop here before i go nuts....enjoy
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