a symphony to melodious reawakenings.

where bosses yell, and i write

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Its crazily intense here at the office. The Boss just got back from his vacation,
not to mention he cut his vacation one day short, and everything that could
go wrong, has probably went wrong. With loud voices ringing from the Boss's
office, and everyone in search of a lost 'something', even the sharpest knife
could not cut the tension here.

The look on most faces are overwhelmed by worries, and fear. Its pretty scary
actually and for some apparent reason, the storeroom/server room was left
unlocked though the night, and has led to a lost of different items. So yes,
the Boss is pretty pissed, everyone's worried, and I'm sitting at my cubicle and
blabing. Damn Phil, what the heck is wrong with you?! Go help the great search
for the lost items! Ok, will probably start on this treasure hunt soon, but till then,
I've gotta say I'm in the safezone since the Boss finds favour in me.

Oh, the Boss just left the office for a meeting, and tranquility is slowly finding
its way back to the office. Hope it finds its way before I get back from lunch.

Time to enjoy burned ikan pari, with rice! yummy!

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