a symphony to melodious reawakenings.

5 years unchanged.

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After years of not standing under the sun, awaiting the usual monotonous
speech from the present-teacher-in-charge, I was given the opportunity to
participate in such rituals again This, very much dreaded ritual was often
refered to by many as 'P-E-R-H-I-M-P-U-N-A-N'.

As students started lining up, the usual Negaraku was played afterwards,
followed by the State Song, and later an unusual School Melody, that seems
to have fusion both the english language and the malay launguage to form
a very distinguished tune. It was a long-standing-procession that had not
seem to cease over years. It was the exact same itineraries, as it was 5 years
ago, despite very different enviroment and school.

Classes were okay. Some good, some not, but the potentials was limitless.
Just the ability to connect with some of them, made it all worth while.
There's so much to say, yet, so limited ways to articulate them.

Plus, I'm already feeling that I'm gonna lose my voice.

So, have a fun one !

spoken words to a prayer for you today. get well soon.

1 Responses to “5 years unchanged.”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    hey cikgu! all the best in teaching those kids.. great post btw.. :)

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