a symphony to melodious reawakenings.

the usual stereotypes

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Demokrasi. Or better known as Democracy.

Iya berasal daripada perkataan Yunani(Greek). It's derived from 2 words,
namely, Demos and Kratos.

Istilah Demokrasi bermaksud demos(rakyat) dan kratos(kekuasaan).

Having repeated myself the whole week, I only could had gotten better
with such enthusiastic repetitions. The ability to free these young minds
from the usual stereotypes that are fed daily to them, is just a blessing.

We talk, and answer even the stupidest questions. For, at the end of all, is
there ever a stupid question? Or maybe, a stupid question just require
an answer too, be it a nonsensical or the most cultured answer, all questions
required an answer.

Let this be your first understanding to Civics. As Kelsen had cultivated a theory
to free one's mind, may I make understand Civics an avenue to free one's mind
from the usual stereotypes, and to answer questions so long needed for a solution..


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