a symphony to melodious reawakenings.

teaching, loving it.

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It's week 2 into teaching, and am getting more accustom with
the workplace. Non-the-less, the frequent question raised
has yet to differ.

Teacher, teacher, how old are you?

Teacher, teacher, got girlfriend or not?

Teacher, teacher, where you stay?

Teacher, teacher, how old are you?

Teacher, teacher, why you come here and teach?

Teacher, teacher, how old are you?

Teacher, teacher, how old are you?

I think u get the point by now. These questions are in need of
an answer, yes, following the last post. But, as equivalent to questions
alike 'why can't pigs fly?' or 'why cows don't have wings?', the obvious
answer given is simply be a dumb one.

No no , my age remains a mystery, and the education system
is far from requiring teachers to reveal their relationship
position.. Haha ! Those lil' monkeys!

Thank God for the mp3s and a bed-like comfortable desk
that takes me to my so needed utopia,
away from the dumb questions, and
the pressure of comprehending any unwanted jackass
stunts and noice, during those sleeping sessions...oo, i meant during my
"preparing for teaching sessions!" Yes, yes, don't be fool, although he looks
like he is sleeping on his desk, he is actually mentally preparing himself
for class! don't be fool, don't be fool ! haha.

haha...i love teaching!

1 Responses to “teaching, loving it.”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    farnie lar u!!
    sooo teacher teacher..HOW OLD ARE U AH??

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