its amazing how god send his son to die for the sins of all could go to heaven if believed in him...jesus came down as an ordinary man...not more superior or less..just another ordinary person that could feel and have emotions...
but later..he would be rejected by the people and be pesecuted to death...jesus took the pain and shame of man for us all...we often not realize that jesus was an ordinary person...he could also have felt the rejection of the people that had condemn him to death...but the worst feeling was being rejected by his father...god had little choice but to turn his face away from jesus as he hung on the cross...jesus had represented all the sins of this world and beared all the sins on the cross inorder that we can come clean to god...
as he was on the cross...jesus is heard saying 'father,father, why have you forsaken me!!'...the emotion of having a father not being there when jesus need him most is the most emotionally torturing feeling...nevertheless, jesus did not complain for it was not his will to be done, but god will...
however, living our lives today has been a great task itself...with all these new technology...we are indeed growing as time goes by...we failed however to see that we are also living in a generation of sin...if u think about it, it is extremely easy to lead a sinners life... but it takes so so much to live a rightous life...for everything that jesus had endured..we complain and could not live our lives glorifying to him...
some missionaries had once said 'may the lamb receive his rewards for his suffering' our life a reward for jesus's suffering? did we live according to his will or to ours? we have failed over and over, generations after generations, to comprehend god's love for us..'for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believed in his should not die but have everlasting life..-john3:16'...but is everything you do..for him?
did we lay our life down? or has the world satisfy our needs?? jesus has not been our first priority ...our generation has indeed turned their backs away from god and choose to take the path that leads to sin...its obvious...we look at the they slowly turn their backs...look at the news...its all about murder,rape,terrorism,....all negativity....could we say that the suffering endured by our king is of any worth?
the song 'you satisfy' by the desperation band should be the cry of our hearts ---->
All of my shame You erased
You gave me Your beauty in its place
All of my sorrows You exchanged
For a joy that never fades
You are my everything
Everything You are is everything to me
You satisfy me
You satisfy me
With the riches of Your hand
Everything I am is all because of You
You satisfy
All of the things that hold my heart
All of the pleasures of this life
Cannot compare to Who You are
And the treasures of Your love
You are my everything
Everything You are is everything to me
You satisfy me
You satisfy me
And I lay my life down
My trophies and my crowns, all because of You
You satisfy
life is a long winding road...but nothing amazes me more than to know that a friend had taken the blame for my sins...and for this...i am truly amazed...